
New Product & Technology Development

New Product Development

We can help develop your new product and deliver it into production.

Whether it is a new product in an existing manufacturing facility, or an existing product in a new facility or market, we have the experience to help you deliver.

Technology Development

We can help you with the challenge of taking a concept from an idea into a product. We can also help with defining Technology Roadmaps and Development plans through structured review and prioritisation of the various options open to you, so that you target the most important Technology Projects and don’t waste time on non-starters.

Previous experience includes:

            • Limited Edition Vehicle Build Programme from PS to Job#1 + 90 days.
            • Technology roadmap development and supporting Centres of Excellence for competence development and project delivery.
            • New technology projects from clean sheet design to concept demonstrator, including business case and new business models.
            • New Product introduction to AIAG APQP standards across 4 continents and time zones, on time, under budget and setting new benchmarks for quality targets.
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